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made in maine - angelrox - WMTW

made in maine - angelrox - WMTW

There is a new women's clothing maker in Maine who last year left the glitz and glamor of New York City to relocate to Biddeford.

Roxi Suger's company Angelrox is putting a new twist into women's fashion.

From her unconventional styles to her move to Maine, Suger sets her own fashion agenda inside a refurbished mill in Biddeford.

"If you can live a good quality life amongst good people then I think it affects all your work and what you do," said Suger.

She touts that anyone can wear her creations, but how they are worn depends on your mood.

"It's not a new concept of dressing, but it is very updated in my fabrics and my exact shapes and forms. I do obsess over my curves, and the way they're gonna fall on the body, work with the body and flow with the body," said Suger.

With a twist here and a little hike there, one piece of clothing can take you just about anywhere.

"Take them from wellness to yoga, back to work, out to lunch, out to shopping, out to a cocktail event,date on the fly,, no problem. Get up and do it again. Also no problem, nobody needs to be the wiser," said Suger.

Suger said she hasn't looked back since moving to Maine after 18 years in New York.

"Maine is amazing," said Suger.

She said the people, the mill space and its history of textiles fits her company perfectly.

"It's a very rich history to tap into and to be part of and it feels like its giving us loft and rise to have it behind us," said Suger.

Up the street from Sugar's mill space she has opened a small shop called Suger where she sells her clothing and Maine-made gifts.

Click here to learn more about Angelrox.

Original Article.