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we are committed to giving back. it is our greatest joy to witness the beauty of generous folk helping each other survive and thrive. 

rather than committing to one cause we do an array of things to support a wide range of charities and our community. we encourage you to review all of them here. we match and deepen all contributions made to causes featured on our site; and donate product, gift cards and funds throughout the year through our Suger® retail stores. click photo below to learn about a few of the great causes we are able to support thanks to you!



we also created and held the Biddeford Ball which raised over $100,000 to benefit causes and projects in our sweet city.  we contribute product, funds, time and energy to a host of varied causes throughout the year and are active in the civic arena for downtown development and improvements to our town and its residents and makers. we help build community.  

may peace prevail