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angelrox stockings are the coziest leg warmers and double as fingerless gloves.

  • plant based fibers are the answer to year round cozy calves
  • comfy footless leg warmers scrunch or stretch from heel to thigh
  • fabulous boot liners to fill in gaps, protect other layers and refine legs
  • protecting calves and forearms help us control temperature
  • sustainable plant fibers soothe sensitive skin
  • easy to add or remove as you need for wellness + outdoor adventures
  • thumbholes allow them to double̴Ì_as arm warmers like our opera sleeves
  • offering longer fingerless gloves perfect for more muscular joyful arms
  • these holes can also be used to spat over heels or tuck under the foot
  • super sensual pulled up to the thigh with skirts or on their own at home
  • awesome stretch offers gentle compression when needed


customers claim our fabrics are therapeutic in how they comfort and love.

  • solids 92% bamboo rayon 8% spandex for sweet support
  • heathers 92% beechwood rayon 8% spandex for high-quality performance
  • subtle stripes 46% organic cotton 46% bamboo rayon 8% stretch

one size fits most

handmade in Maine, crafted with joy

may peace prevail

may peace prevail