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our heavy duty recycled cardboard hangers are super strong, elegant and sustainable. Printed with our mantra, MAY PEACE PREVAIL, on the front and SUGER® on the back to remind us how sweet life is.

we believe in keeping our footprint upon the earth as gentle as possible and thus developed our own recycled cardboard hangers so we know they will return to the good earth some day.

angelrox® and suger® designs hang on them like a dream and they are pretty to boot. we style full looks on them with ease and they make your closet a treat to behold.

let's face it, most hangers are an environmental nightmare. flocking may keep garments from slipping but there is no way to recycle that ever. and the combo of metal with plastic or wood almost has no chance of being broken down and reused someday.

these PEACE HANGERS are recycled and can be recycled again with any cardboard waste. not that you will want to but just in case.

sold in packs of 12.

may peace prevail