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mary allen lindermann

“As the owner of Coffee By Design, I combine my passion for coffee, poetry, and fashion to create a unique and memorable experience for my customers. so have been in the coffee business for over 30 years, and I have learned how to source, roast, brew, and serve the finest quality beans from around the world. I also have a degree in poetry from Brown University, and a certificate in fashion marketing from Paris Fashion Institute, which help me to craft the story and the style of my brand, I have developed strong skills in public relations and marketing strategy, which enable me to promote my business and attract loyal and diverse partners. My mission is to share my love of coffee, art, and culture with my community, and to support local and global causes that align with my values. I am always look for new ways to innovate, collaborate, and grow my coffee family…”
“…now as far as a feeling in my Angelrox… So many memories which continue to be made, Angelrox is my comfort food. This is a photo wrapped in love.”

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