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the heart of biddeford - delilah pourpore

delilah accepting the 2022 GAMSA award

the month of march is women’s history month and we want to use our platform to highlight some of the amazing women we have come to know and love through angelrox + suger.
the first suger spotlight woman is the driving force behind @heartofbiddeford , Delilah Poupore.
Delilah is a devoted and passionate member of the Biddeford community and truly an inspiration to us all.
we asked Delilah a question which was...
how do YOU feel in Suger and/or can you tell us about a time our clothing helped comfort you?
Delilah responded, “Whenever I have an important event where I’m representing Biddeford — especially if it involves a presentation or an award — I always dress in suger and angelrox clothing. Often, I’ll head over to the shop a few days in advance and just say, “Help!” They always help me find something that will be just right for the occasion. Most importantly, I pick something that I know I will be comfortable in. Under stressful circumstances, it’s really amazing to feel good while knowing that I’m wearing something beautiful that’s even sustainable. My proudest moment in my job was going to Virginia to receive the Great American Main Street (GAMSA) award for Biddeford in 2022. You can see on my face that all I was feeling was joy.”
Delilah you truly are one of a kind and we are so grateful to have crossed paths with you ❤️

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