Join us for a special evening celebrating real women of all, stages, sizes and lifestyles in Chapel Hill, NC on April 10th and join us in sponsoring two great charities that help others who desperately need it.
Angels on the Runway
An Angelrox Fashion Show & Benefit
to benefit Cornucopia Cancer Support Center & The Peru Project
All Causes are Good Causes!
The Peru Project, Cornucopia Cancer Support Center and designer Roxi Suger of Angelrox, come together to bring you an amazing evening of fashion, entertainment, and fun.
Join us for a one of a kind fashion show, a silent auction featuring a wide array of donated items, and culinary delights by City Kitchen.
The fashion show will feature "real women" of all ages, stages, sizes and lifestyles donning Angelrox, an American-made, sustainable clothing line found in boutiques around the country. The collection -- crafted with joy from bamboo, organic cotton and other plant-based knits --is all about comfort, versatility and travel.
All proceeds directly benefit the Cornucopia Cancer Support Center and The Peru Project, which allows us to continue our important missions.
Thank you for your support!
To check out Roxi Suger's clothing line, visit
Like something?
Shop online and use the (case-sensitive!) code: Angels on the Runway
Wings ($250): 2 VIP tickets; Logo/Name listed in the event program and website; Promotion via Facebook and Twitter. Ability to include an item in the event giveaway bags.
Halo ($500): 4 VIP tickets; Logo/Name listed in the event program, website, and e-blasts; Promotion via Facebook and Twitter. Ability to include an item in the event giveaway bags.
Cherub ($1,000+): 6 VIP tickets with a reserved table; Logo/Name listed in the event program, website, and e-blasts; Promotion via Facebook and Twitter; Special recognition at the event. Ability to include an item in the event giveaway bags.
Angel ($2,500+): 4 VIP tickets with dinner service and a reserved table; Logo/Name listed in the event program, website, and e-blasts; Promotion via Facebook and Twitter; Honorable mention in PSA's and event press release;Special recognition at the event; Name prominently displayed at the event;Advertisement in event program; Ability to include an item in the event giveaway bags.
Archangel ($5,000+): 8 VIP tickets with dinner service, a bottle of champagne, and special reserved seating. Logo/Name listed in the event program, website, and e-blasts; Promotion via Facebook and Twitter; Honorable mention in PSA's, the event press release, and media interviews; Special recognition at the event; Name prominently displayed at the event; Advertisement in event program; Ability to include an item in the event giveaway bags.

All donations are tax-deductible.
Cornucopia Cancer Support Center Tax ID: 56-1948608
The Peru Project Tax ID: 27-1949865
Thank you for your support!
Have questions about Angels on the Runway -- An Angelrox Fashion Show & Benefit?
Contact The Peru Project & Cornucopia Cancer Support Center
The Peru Project is a mother-daughter project which aims to promote literacy, education and the arts for children and their families in Peru. The project raises money to build libraries in schools in Arequipa with the help of a partner organization in the country. By fostering a love of reading, we hope to inspire others to dream, whether it be those in Peru or those closer to home.
For more information, visit our website at www.theperuproject.comor follow us on Facebook.
Cornucopia Cancer Support Center provides support and resources for anyone journeying with cancer — those in treatment, survivors, family members and caregivers —through complementary therapies, movement classes, individual and group support, expressive arts, information and resources, all in a non-clinical setting.Our services are offered free of charge to anyone touched by any type of cancer - those in treatment, survivors, family members and caregivers. All of you - your mind, your body, your spirit - is affected by cancer. Your quality of life matters to us. Take us along on your journey.We equip you with the support and resources to fight the 3 F words of cancer: fear, fatigue, and frustration. Instead, be hopeful, be energized, and be empowered.
For more information, visit our website at or follow us on Facebook.