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biddeford ball

biddeford ball

Biddeford Ball black + tan

The 3rd Annual BIDDEFORD BALL black + tan charity benefit will celebrate the beauty of contrasts on Saturday June 18, 2016.  Guests are invited to a rare view of an incredible open Mill floor constructed in 1880 and to enjoy a rockin' celebration of music, makers, bakers, brewers, roasters, fine food and fashion...

Designer ROXI SUGER presents MAINE MADE products hot on the runway up close and personal grounded by LL BEAN boots. Dine on locally grown delights from fine chefs and taste the work of southern Maine's best craft roasters, brewers & distillers. Proceeds of this year's Biddeford Ball will be used to FEED OUR FUTURE & help prevent hunger in Maine.  DJ BABYBLU, New York City's veteran of mashup will keep us groovin' and movin' all throughout the evening while we inspire each other to live, to give + to dance...

Proceeds will benefit Good Shepard Food Bank and their Mainers Feeding Mainers Harvest for Hope program in conjunction with local food pantries. Your contributions will help purchase fresh organic produce from local farms to pantries of those in need with nutrition.

date: Saturday June 18th 2016   Saco Mill #4   Maine 

donations and tickets available at biddefordball.org

thank you for your time and support

we hope to see you there!

we humbly ask you to like the biddeford ball  invite your friends + share

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biddeford ball - august 23rd

Please join us for the inaugural Biddeford Ball + Fashion Show benefit fundraiser from 7pm-midnight on August 23rd, 2014 inside Building 13 of the Pepperell Mill Campus. This exciting event will raise funds for local food banks and the exterior renovation of the Marble Block, a historic building at 129 Main Street in Biddeford which is being transformed into a center for art and design by Engine, a not-for-profit community arts organization. Founded by Suger and her husband Julian, the event is being further inspired and guided by the Biddeford Ball Committee consisting of various community members and groups.

The event schedule will include:

7pm-9pm: Makers Market and Silent Auction
9:30 pm: Fashion show featuring Angelrox on a glorious range of women celebrating all 
9pm-12am: The Ball (semi-formal)

More information:

MARBLE BLOCK, located at 129 Main Street in Biddeford, ME
Info about the Marble Block project: feedtheengine.org/marble-block 

ENGINE, located in the heart of Biddeford, Maine, is a non-profit arts organization. Engine's mission is to make arts-driven programming, cultural development, and sustainable creative entrepreneurialism an explicit community value and civic priority in Biddeford. ENGINE is the home to the Maine Fablab in addition to running at contemporary gallery space at 265 Main street. feedtheengine.org

UNION CHURCH MISSIONS is committed to the local food banks of York county: unionchurchme.com

SUGER, a boutique located at 25 Alfred Street in Biddeford, ME.  Suger is the sweet home of Angelrox, a nationally distributed line of comforting versatile women's clothing crafted with joy in new england from sustainable fabrics. layered with goodies, jewelry and gifts wrapped prettily & ready to give.  suger donates a portion of its sales each month to local charity.


get your tickets here: suger.me/ball


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ENK intermezzo collection - may 5.6.7 - piers 92/94

we are very excited to be a part of ENK intermezzo collections fall show. find us in booth 1928 on the piers (92/24) which are located on 12th ave @ 55th st in NYC. we will be there mon/tues 9-6 & wed 9-5 

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angels on the runway - chapel hill - 4.10.14

Join us for a special evening celebrating real women of all, stages, sizes and lifestyles in Chapel Hill, NC on April 10th and join us in sponsoring two great charities that help others who desperately need it. 

Angels on the Runway

An Angelrox Fashion Show & Benefit

to benefit Cornucopia Cancer Support Center & The Peru Project

All Causes are Good Causes!

The Peru Project, Cornucopia Cancer Support Center and designer Roxi Suger of Angelrox, come together to bring you an amazing evening of fashion, entertainment, and fun.

Join us for a one of a kind fashion show, a silent auction featuring a wide array of donated items, and culinary delights by City Kitchen.

The fashion show will feature "real women" of all ages, stages, sizes and lifestyles donning Angelrox, an American-made, sustainable clothing line found in boutiques around the country. The collection -- crafted with joy from bamboo, organic cotton and other plant-based knits --is all about comfort, versatility and travel.

All proceeds directly benefit the Cornucopia Cancer Support Center and The Peru Project, which allows us to continue our important missions.

Thank you for your support!


To check out Roxi Suger's clothing line, visit www.angelrox.com

Like something? 
Shop online and use the (case-sensitive!) code: Angels on the Runway 



Wings ($250): 2 VIP tickets; Logo/Name listed in the event program and website; Promotion via Facebook and Twitter. Ability to include an item in the event giveaway bags.

Halo ($500): 4 VIP tickets; Logo/Name listed in the event program, website, and e-blasts; Promotion via Facebook and Twitter. Ability to include an item in the event giveaway bags.

Cherub ($1,000+): 6 VIP tickets with a reserved table;  Logo/Name listed in the event program, website, and e-blasts; Promotion via Facebook and Twitter; Special recognition at the event. Ability to include an item in the event giveaway bags.

Angel ($2,500+): 4 VIP tickets with dinner service and a reserved table;  Logo/Name listed in the event program, website, and e-blasts; Promotion via Facebook and Twitter; Honorable mention in PSA's and event press release;Special recognition at the event; Name prominently displayed at the event;Advertisement in event program; Ability to include an item in the event giveaway bags.

Archangel ($5,000+): 8 VIP tickets with dinner service, a bottle of champagne, and special reserved seating.  Logo/Name listed in the event program, website, and e-blasts; Promotion via Facebook and Twitter; Honorable mention in PSA's, the event press release, and media interviews; Special recognition at the event; Name prominently displayed at the event; Advertisement in event program; Ability to include an item in the event giveaway bags.


All donations are tax-deductible.

Cornucopia Cancer Support Center Tax ID: 56-1948608

The Peru Project Tax ID: 27-1949865



Thank you for your support!

Have questions about Angels on the Runway -- An Angelrox Fashion Show & Benefit?Contact The Peru Project & Cornucopia Cancer Support Center

The Peru Project & Cornucopia Cancer Support Center

The Peru Project is a mother-daughter project which aims to promote literacy, education and the arts for children and their families in Peru. The project raises money to build libraries in schools in Arequipa with the help of a partner organization in the country. By fostering a love of reading, we hope to inspire others to dream, whether it be those in Peru or those closer to home.
For more information, visit our website at www.theperuproject.comor follow us on Facebook

Cornucopia Cancer Support Center provides support and resources for anyone journeying with cancer — those in treatment, survivors, family members and caregivers —through complementary therapies, movement classes, individual and group support, expressive arts, information and resources, all in a non-clinical setting.Our services are offered free of charge to anyone touched by any type of cancer - those in treatment, survivors, family members and caregivers. All of you - your mind, your body, your spirit - is affected by cancer. Your quality of life matters to us. Take us along on your journey.We equip you with the support and resources to fight the 3 F words of cancer: fear, fatigue, and frustration. Instead, be hopeful, be energized, and be empowered.  
For more information, visit our website at www.cancersupport4u.org or follow us on Facebook.

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sofia's boutique


we can't wait to visit our special angel christina at sofia's boutique in carrboro nc at the historic carr mill mall on wednesday 4/19. 

from noon - 6 pm explore the full collection and receive designer tips on your best colors & styles

7 - 9 pm cocktail reception - wear your angelrox & meet and mingle with fashion designer and former Parsons' professor Roxi Suger


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atlanta apparel april 2014

swirling through our sweet south - atlanta apparel april 3-6. You can find us in the americasmart building 3 on the 2 floor in the premiere section of the show Booth 260. find more information about the show & register here

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ps10 fashion show - brooklyn ny - may 9th

ps10 fashion show

Acclaimed New York Public School 10 debuts its street-style version of a fashion runway show in celebration of mom. Come watch model moms, school faculty and staff walk down the catwalk for this PS10 fundraiser at 6pm on Thursday, May 9. A luxe trunk show will be selling irresistible Mother's Day gifts and goodies by Brooklyn-based apparel and jewelry makers, beauty products, and much more from 5pm-8pm.

To celebrate real women, individual beauty and moms everywhere, this inaugural PS10 event presents  parents, school faculty and staff, in all shapes and sizes, dressed in the effortless, contemporary styles of Angelrox (founded by a former PS10 mom), and accessorized by ceramic jewelry from Corico. Both collections are crafted in Brooklyn from sustainable, eco-friendly  materials. Inviting, versatile and uber-comfortable, Angelrox designs run the gamut from weekend around-town casual cool to effortless elegance for work and evenings. Proceeds from the event benefit the PS10 PTA.

“I haven't been this into a fashion show since I was a teen,” notes PS10 Principal and future  model Laura Scott. “Now I get to be a part of a runway show that celebrates not just the designer, but staff and moms too. Plus, PLUS, it's for the best cause of all, my students!”

The PS10 PTA in a few short years has become a nationwide paradigm of how parent and teacher involvement can transform an urban public school into an highly sought-after academic institution. PS10, with the support of its PTA, has established cutting-edge arts programs, collaborating with the Metropolitan Opera Guild, as just one instance of success. Despite recent budget cuts to education, the PS10 community has pulled together to make sure its children continue to receive top-notch technology, math, music, dance and arts instruction. PS10, among the best-rated public schools in the country, receives substantial assistance from its PTA in many other ways as well, including new math materials and supplies for classrooms, a salad bar for lunches, and an enriching after-school program.

 "It has been a dream of mine to dress mothers and teachers on the runway, the most beautiful angels in our children's lives!,” says Angelrox founder and designer Roxi Suger. “It is our mission as we grow that our runway shows are productive in raising money for worthy causes. There is no cause worth more than the education of our children!"

DATE: Thursday, May 9, 2013

TIME: 5pm-8pm, show starts at 6pm


                        7th Avenue & Prospect Avenue

                        Park Slope South, Brooklyn 11215

                        (near Subway F train stops 7th Ave. & 15th St.; R train stop Prospect Ave.)

SUGGESTED ADMISSION: $10 adults, $5 children.

(This event is open to the public. Volunteers and sponsors are welcome.)

About PS10

PS10 is a Brooklyn-based Magnet school serving about 900 elementary students from diverse backgrounds. The school offers children a high quality, standards-based and inclusive education in a diverse and barrier-free environment, provide thoughtful and rigorous instruction which enables children to become inquisitive, lifelong learners.

About Angelrox and Corico

Angelrox is available in more than 200 fine boutiques globally, and features dresses, lounge and travelwear, wraps, yoga apparel, and much more. Visit www.angelrox.com for more information. Also, learn more about the ceramic jewelry by Brooklyn-based Corico at www.etsy.com/people/corico.

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