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angelrox nyc holiday boutique 2015

angelrox at bryant park

the setting sun at our back we return to stead hum of the city streets. monday - friday 11-8 | saturday 10-9 | sunday 10-6  through 1/3/16. our booth is in the same spot as last year, #K3 on the library side of the park. bryant park bounded by 6th ave 42nd & 40th streets and the new york public library at 5th avenue. (last day @ location is 1/3/16)

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angelrox trunk show - nov 15th - culpeper va

there is a wonderful place in virgina about an hour and a half from DC. it's a town called Culpeper. in this town there is a special store called Harriet's General. take a look at their site and you'll see why were are so excited and a tad bit jealous that sweetie pie lauren will be there this friday night for an angelrox trunkshow. 

Harriet's General is located on 172 East Davis Street in Culpeper VA 22701 and you can contact them via their site harrietsgeneral.com or by phone @ 540-317-5995. Stop by this friday for their open house from 5-8 and to shop the full angelrox collection. 

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SoWa boston holiday market - dec 14 & 15 - boston mass

We are excited to have been invited to the SoWa Holiday Market in Boston.
Take a look at why you'll want to make it here: sowaholidaymarket.com
Saturday and Sunday, December 14 and 15, 2013
Benjamin Franklin Institute, 41 Berkeley St, Boston, Ma
12PM-6PM, Admission $5, Children under 12 FREE
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