helping young mothers
biddeford has long had a tradition of providing care for young women. from the early mill workers that came from the countryside to the young ladies at saint andre there has been a commitment to caring that has spanned generations. a new organization dedicated to providing guidance and counseling recently opened in the downtown and they are providing a new hope for young mothers. our april contribution of $690 is in honor of all the wonderful women who have found new hope here in biddeford.
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union church
by the sea is a small one room church that was built over one hundred and fifty years ago
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stone soup food pantry
the stone soup food pantry supports those in the most need. december reminds us how wonderful it is to give and with your wonderful help we were able to contribute $2,000 to the Stone Soup Food Pantry.
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sensory garden for children
in the center of the biddeford primary school there is now a magical place
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arts + community
the biddeford ball originated with the goal of making an immediate and visible impact in the continued transformation of downtown biddeford maine.
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seed funding neighbors
our new neighbor and old friends at Biscuits & Co. needed some help getting up and running. we were proud to contribute $1000 towards their kitchen from which we are excited to eat many many biscuits and other yummies.
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restoration + fascination
view from wood island. the architecture of this historic lighthouse is astounding with cantilevered rock slabs spiraling up to majestic views of the Atlantic Ocean.
the Friends of Wood Island Lighthouse, all volunteers, have assumed responsibility for its restoration and use under a license granted by the U.S. Coast Guard as with all that do good they need help & volunteers for the effort. our contribution was $660.