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downtown improvements + preservation

downtown improvements + preservation

the lincoln mill clock tower was on the eve of destruction. but through the efforts of local citizens, businesses and endowments we were able to raise enough money to relocate the tower and maintain her heritage. 

our contribution to the overall total was $1,250.

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preserving history

preserving history

the trolley museum in Kennebunk is one of the oldest transportation museums in the USA
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inspiring children

inspiring children

the Acorn Club is provides a place for kids to have fun and an important resource to working parents.
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supporting animals

supporting animals

the Ever After Mustang Rescue is trying to build a new barn and we were thrilled to help. in January we were so thrilled to donate $500.

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feeding the community

feeding the community

the biddeford community is served by the wonderful volunteers at Stone Soup Food Pantry, Seeds of Hope and Friends of Community Action Food Pantry
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for the arts - engine

for the arts - engine

biddeford's creative Engine supports our artists, our children & our community
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42 results